Madison, Wis., — After nearly a year of discouraging Wisconsinites from getting vaccinated, slandering the medical community, and lying about the seriousness of COVID, Ron Johnson is now dismissing the hardships hospitals and their staff are facing as they are overwhelmed with COVID stricken patients. At a recent town hall, Johnson compared the surge and deadliness of COVID to a “bad flu season,” and said overrun hospitals are not a “massive crisis.” See more below:
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: While 1,100 people are hospitalized with COVID-19, Sen. Ron Johnson says overcrowding no worse than ‘bad flu season’
“Sen. Ron Johnson on Friday said hospital overcrowding in Wisconsin due to COVID-19 is no worse than what happens during “a bad flu season” — contrary to what data shows and what hospital workers and health care systems have been saying…More than 42,000 people total have been hospitalized with COVID-19 in Wisconsin. At the virus’ peak last fall, the daily load on hospitals was more than 2,000 people, with more than 400 in intensive care units. The flu hospitalized 7,520 people total — a record high — over the course of Wisconsin’s most severe recent flu season, 2017-18. Hospitals around the state are again reaching their limits and have begun transferring patients, some “begging and pleading” to find open beds. And they’re more short-staffed than they were in 2020, facing both a physical capacity issue and an exhaustion borne of a seemingly never-ending pandemic…As of Oct. 8, nearly 8,100 Wisconsinites have died from COVID-19.”
WPR: Johnson: Hospitals overwhelmed by COVID-19 patients ‘doesn’t mean there’s some massive crisis’
“…But Johnson spent by far the most time at and after the event expressing his skepticism of the vaccine…As Wisconsin experienced a spike in new infections in August and September, some hospital systems were overwhelmed by COVID-19 patients. As recently as this week, central Wisconsin’s Marshfield Clinic was full to capacity. ‘A bad flu season will put stress, sometimes overwhelm hospitals for certain regions. That happens all the time,’ he said. ‘Just because it happens with COVID doesn’t mean there’s some massive crisis in terms of our health care system.’”