MADISON, Wis. — Since radical Rebecca Kleefisch announced her run for governor, it’s time to revisit some of her most controversial comments to remind Wisconsinites why they rejected her in the first place.

She said what? Kleefisch agreed that survivors of rape should “turn lemons into lemonade,” and defended Sharron Angle when she made this comment, calling it, “Sharron Angle telling it like it is.” And as you can see from the post below, Kleefisch posted these egregious remarks on Facebook not once, but twice. This is a tactic straight from the GOP playbook – using divisive, horrific language as a way to divide us.

​​When asked if she would sign a Texas-style ban on abortions, Kleefisch said she would “sign a heartbeat bill.” The Texas bill prohibits abortion at six weeks, before most people know they are pregnant. The legislation does not include exceptions for rape or incest.

Kleefisch has also previously expressed her support for “personhood” legislation, which not only criminalizes abortion but also jeopardizes birth control and fertility treatments such as IVF.

We just have one question: Does Rebecca Kleefisch still stand by these comments?

Read more about Radical Rebecca’s extreme record at

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