Yesterday, doctors from across Wisconsin called on Senator Ron Johnson to stop pushing the dangerous deworming livestock drug, Ivermectin, that has hospitalized Americans across the country, as treatment for COVID. See more below:

Channel 3000: Doctors to Sen. Ron Johnson: stop promoting horse dewormer Ivermectin as COVID cure

WMSN: Physicians to Sen. Ron Johnson: Stop Promoting Horse Dewormer as Cure as COVID Cure

WDJT: Doctors Call for Stopping Use of Ivermectin, Urge People to Listen to Experts, Not Politicians

WKBT: Wis. Doctors Want Sen. Johnson to Stop Pushing Ivermectin as COVID-19 Cure

The La Crosse Tribune: Wisconsin doctors to Sen. Johnson: Stop pushing Ivermectin as COVID-19 cure

  • Wisconsin physicians…gathered virtually to share a message with Sen. Ron Johnson: “Please stop pushing Ivermectin as a cure for COVID-19, and stop discouraging trust in the safe, effective vaccine that actually prevents COVID-19.”
  • Sen. Johnson on August 20 also joined a conservative radio show and claimed, incorrectly, that ventilators haven’t been saving lives and do more harm than good. On another radio show recently, Johnson criticized the Food and Drug Administration’s move to grant the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine full approval.
  • “With position and privilege comes great responsibility, and time and time again Sen. Johnson has not just shirked his responsibility, but actually spoken quite irresponsibly,” said Dr. Scott Walker, a family medicine physician in Prairie Du Chien. “From promoting the unproven hydroxychloroquine as a cure for COVID-19 to falsely saying that those who’ve gotten COVID-19 don’t need to get vaccinated, Johnson has repeatedly used his platform in ways that have likely contributed to the spread of the delta variant and the prolonging of this awful pandemic.”

CBS 58: Wisconsin doctors ask Sen. Johnson to stop push for Ivermectin as COVID-19 cure

  • “As not just a physician but also a resident of Wisconsin, it’s shocking and appalling that any grown person, let alone our elected senator, would promote Ivermectin as a treatment for COVID-19,” said Dr. Bob Freedland…”Senator Ron Johnson, if you really want to save lives from COVID-19, please stop horsing around and start promoting measures that actually work, like masks and vaccines.”
  • “It shames me to see our senator pushing false cures and conspiracy theories when we know how to prevent this disease,” said Dr. Rebecca Beach, a family medicine physician in Richland Center…”Sen. Johnson, who is not a doctor, is trying to undermine this work, and I find that frustrating beyond belief. Of course, no doctor wants a patient to have to be put on a ventilator, but unlike Senator Johnson, we want to do what has to be done to save lives, not just save our political bases.”

WJFW: Doctors advise against ivermectin as a COVID treatment

  • Wisconsin doctors gathered virtually this morning to urge Sen. Ron Johnson to stop pushing ivermectin, a drug used to deworm livestock, to treat COVID-19.
  • Ivermectin poisoning calls have gone up five-fold in recent months. Ivermectin poisoning and overdose can cause symptoms ranging from nausea to coma or even death.
  • “Wisconsinites, as doctors we urge you not to listen to the medical advice of Ron Johnson, a politician who seems more intent on dividing than leading,” Freedland said. “Listen to the majority of qualified health professionals and a family physician you trust. Don’t take this horse medicine.”