The Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) today awarded a project to improve the Madison Beltline (US 12/18) inside median shoulders for use as an additional travel lane during peak traffic periods. In addition, the project will address deteriorating pavement; improve existing drainage deficiencies; and replace the existing median barrier wall along the Beltline. These highway improvements will be made from the Whitney Way exit to the I-39/90 interchange. Payne and Dolan of Waukesha, WI was the lowest of two bids received.
The $45.1 million project, scheduled to start in March, will pave the way for a new concept to Wisconsin – Dynamic Part-Time Shoulder Use. This measure is recognized as a safe, sustainable and reliable way to alleviate congestion – especially during morning and afternoon rush hour.
“This will improve daily life for commuters, as well as visitors attending major area events. The part-time shoulder use concept – what we’re calling Flex Lane – is a first for Wisconsin; however, it’s already in place in 17 states,” WisDOT Secretary-designee Craig Thompson said. “It’s another example of the department providing a safe, cost-effective solution to address periodic and recurring congestion.”
The shoulder improvement project is expected to be completed by December 2021. WisDOT will continue to engage stakeholders such as emergency responders, law enforcement, local and state officials, the business community, and the general public to educate traveling motorists of the Flex Lane project. Coordination is also ongoing with our Dane County partners in law enforcement and highway department.