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[Madison, WI] – Yesterday, Joe Biden announced an unconstitutional vaccine mandate plan that forces national politics on Americans’ personal decisions about their health. While over 20 Republican governors have spoken out against Biden’s federal overreach, Tony Evers has remained silent on this plan that will hurt Wisconsin small businesses and disproportionately affect lower-income and minority Americans.

In July, the White House said it is “not the role of the federal government” to force Americans to get vaccinated. Now, Joe Biden is abandoning individual choice in favor of allowing big government to make health decisions for working people. Wisconsinites deserve to know whether Tony Evers will cave to Joe Biden and his un-American mandate that will force Wisconsinites out of work and prevent them from providing for their families. If he stands with Wisconsin small business owners, he must speak out against this unconstitutional federal overreach.

“Joe Biden’s authoritarian mandate will hurt Wisconsin small business owners and families,”
 said Republican Party of Wisconsin Executive Director Mark Jefferson. “Tony Evers must join the governors who have spoken out against Biden’s unconstitutional and un-American federal overreach.”