Ahead of One-Year Anniversary of Violent Riots, WisGOP Holds Evers Accountable for Fanning the Flames
[Kenosha, WI] – Ahead of the one-year anniversary of the violent riots that turned Kenosha upside down, today the Republican Party of Wisconsin unveiled a new billboard that highlights Tony Evers’ failure to keep the public safe.
Amid mass rioting and looting, Tony Evers chose politics over public safety — refusing federal help to protect the community, sending significantly fewer troops than requested, and telling people to “wear your masks and keep social distance.” Law enforcement organizations even begged Tony Evers and Mandela Barnes to “refrain from making statements specific to Kenosha,” saying that their remarks were “premature, judgmental, inflammatory and only add to the anger and divisiveness of an already dangerous situation.”
Rioters ultimately caused $50 million in destruction to the community and hurt more than 100 local businesses, yet Evers said that he had “no regrets” about his response to the violence.
“Wisconsinites in Kenosha suffered because Tony Evers played politics with public safety,” said Republican Party of Wisconsin Communications Director Anna Kelly. “As we approach the one-year anniversary of the riots that left their community burned, Wisconsinites deserve the truth about Tony Evers’ lack of leadership and his role in fanning the flames.”
The three billboards will run on 60th Street and 75th Street in Kenosha from August 16 to August 23. The graphic can be viewed here