CONTACT: Michels Press Office
Plan will raise literacy standards, increase transparency and
usher in universal school choice
West Allis, WI – Today, Wisconsin businessman, veteran, and political outsider Tim Michels introduced his “I Trust Parents” K-12 Education Policy Blueprint. It’s the latest in a series of detailed proposals Michels has unveiled during his surging campaign for governor.
“Nowhere is the need to turn things upside down more pressing than in education. Tony Evers has been in the Wisconsin education driver’s seat for more than two decades — as DPI Deputy Superintendent, DPI Superintendent, and now Governor. He owns the record of unacceptable academic achievement now facing the state. It is time to transfer power to parents from him and the public school establishment,” said Michels.
Michels said under his Administration, the balance of power in education will shift fundamentally. The top-down mindset of the education establishment will yield to the wishes of parents. The iron grip of teachers unions will no longer hold Wisconsin students hostage.
“The pandemic has awakened Wisconsin parents. They want more information and more control. They want their schools to respond to their concerns. If a school isn’t working for their child, they want the freedom to find a better option,” Michels said.
The Michels “I Trust Parents” K-12 Education Blueprint includes:
- Increasing standards for reading instruction and proficiency.
- Implementing transparency for parents to choose schools that work for their children.
- Creating Universal school choice so all Wisconsin families can access the education that best fits their child’s needs.
- Pledging to sign the Parental Bill of Rights to put parents first in their child’s education.
- Investing in Career Technical Education and Apprenticeship opportunities that provide long-lasting careers.
- Ensuring schools are safe and secure through annual reviews and safety grants.
- Moving School Board elections to the fall to ensure parents have a greater impact at the ballot box.
Michels says the push for higher standards and better results is something he’s lived by throughout his career.
“At Michels Corporation, if we are not innovating to meet the needs of our customers, we are losing. Our education system must be no different. Parents are the customers and they need educational options that meet their needs. Academic Achievement and Parental Satisfaction will be the two key benchmarks upon which we judge the quality of our schools,” he said.
For more information about the blueprint, please visit