Wisconsin Republican U.S. Ron Johnson continues to prove that you can’t trust a thing he says — with a new round of media coverage highlighting his latest lie about the safe and effective COVID-19 vaccines.
During a video interview published on Tuesday, Johnson failed to challenge an anti-vaccine activist’s baseless claim that the safe and effective COVID-19 vaccines cause AIDS. Instead, Johnson said, “Everything you say may be true.”
Johnson then went on to lament that, despite his best efforts to cast doubt on the vaccines, “[T]he public views the vaccines as largely safe and effective […] That’s the narrative, that’s what the vast majority of the public accepts […] You’ve got to do it step by step, you can’t leap to crimes against humanity, you can’t leap to another Nuremberg trial.”
As one of the leading vaccine skeptics in Congress, the Wisconsin Republican has repeatedly spread lies about the vaccines, even though he has previously admitted that “undermining” COVID vaccines “will cause people’s deaths.“
Whether he is spreading lies about the COVID vaccines, pushing an outcome where nearly all abortions will be outlawed in Wisconsin, urging Republicans to repeal the Affordable Care Act, defending outsourcing of American jobs, failing to fight for Wisconsin jobs, or defending tax cuts for himself and his billionaire backers, Johnson has proven he can’t be trusted to do the right thing for Wisconsinites.
Read the latest coverage:
Wisconsin Examiner: In interview, Sen. Johnson says it ‘may be true’ that COVID vaccines cause AIDS
Washington Post: Ron Johnson takes his anti-vaccine rhetoric to a weird new place
Wisconsin State Journal: Sen. Ron Johnson says it ‘may be true’ that COVID-19 vaccines cause AIDS
MSNBC: MaddowBlog: Ron Johnson’s line on vaccines takes a decidedly weird turn
Mediaite: Ron Johnson Says ‘It May Be True’ That Vaccines Are Deliberately Giving People AIDS
Political Wire: Ron Johnson Suggests Covid Vaccines May Cause AIDS
Raw Story: Republican Ron Johnson says it ‘may be true’ that COVID vaccines cause AIDS |