MADISON, Wis. – Americans for Prosperity Action-Wisconsin launched a digital video ad that contrasts Wisconsin U.S. Senate candidates on various issues that the organization believes are critical to improving the quality of life of Wisconsin families. The ad began running on September 15.

The organization, which endorsed Sen. Ron Johnson, said in the ad that Johnson would “cut taxes,” “bring down gas prices,” and “put more money in your pocket.”

The ad says Johnson’s opponent, Mandela Barnes, “will cost you more.”

AFP Action-WI has been engaging voters in support of Sen. Johnson through door knocking, digital ads, and traditional mail. To date, the organization has mailed nearly two million pieces of mail in support of Sen. Johnson’s campaign.

This new contrast video, in addition to increased door knocking across the state, is part of AFP Action-WI’s final push during the remaining weeks of the campaign to educate voters about the candidates and to turn voters out in support of Sen. Johnson on Election Day.

“Prices are up, the economy is down, and Wisconsinites are struggling to afford everyday goods,” said AFP Action Senior Advisor Eric Bott. “Mandela Barnes is running on a campaign that supports the same old tired policies that led to record-high inflation – forcing families to pinch pennies and cut corners.

“Wisconsin needs a leader who will continue to stand up to Washington politics and put our families and businesses first. Simply put, Sen. Ron Johnson is the man for the job. Johnson is ready to continue the fight to get big government out of the way and our economy back on track to help make life more affordable.”


AFP Action is a 527 political action committee focused on electing candidates who will drive policy change and facilitate the building of broad policy coalitions that remove barriers to opportunity and help people improve their lives. The organization has a strong, permanent grassroots presence, including highly motivated activists who volunteer during the election season by making telephone calls and knocking on doors in support of policy champions.

During the 2020 election cycle, AFP Action supported candidates nationwide with more than 8.5 million telephone calls, 1.5 million door knocks, and more than 49 million pieces of mail. AFP Action has unmatched direct voter outreach capability supported by a world-class data operation.

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