MADISON — Today, Ron Johnson came out in support of the Republican Party’s far-right agenda, which would jeopardize Social Security and Medicare and raise taxes for over 100 million Americans, including seniors and dependent children.
In response, Maddy McDaniel, communications director for Mandela Barnes for Wisconsin, made the following statement.
“Ron Johnson has made it clear: A vote for him is a vote for a tax hike on the middle class. And what’s more, he wants to hang our seniors out to dry by jeopardizing Medicare and Social Security.
“The last thing Wisconsin families need right now is for Ron Johnson to take even more money out of their pockets. His blatant disregard for middle class families and working people is disqualifying.
“Mandela Barnes grew up in the middle class, and he knows so many families are stretching every dollar. That’s why he will always put the people of Wisconsin first. If Ron Johnson won’t stand up for Wisconsin families in the Senate, Mandela will do it for him.”