Mandela Barnes Wraps Up First Tour of the General Election After Dozens of Stops Across Wisconsin
Lt. Governor Mandela Barnes: “Every single person in this crowd, every single person across the state — across this country — deserves so much more, and we’re going to fight for more.”
MADISON — This week, Lieutenant Governor Mandela Barnes, Democratic nominee for U.S. senate, wrapped up his Working for Wisconsin tour. He spent the past week traveling across the state, meeting with Wisconsinites to discuss the issues that matter most to them. Mandela made dozens of stops on the tour including in Madison, Milwaukee, Cambridge, Racine, Eau Claire, Osseo, Green Bay, Waukesha, La Crosse, Stoddard, Superior, and Bayfield.
Mandela has created a people-first coalition, uniting farmers, union leaders, teachers, small business owners, and working people all across this state. Wisconsinites know they can trust Mandela to fight for middle-class families and defeat Ron Johnson.
Read more about Mandela’s Working for Wisconsin Tour below:
The Cap Times: Mandela Barnes targets rural voters in first general election rally
“Mandela has shown an unprecedented ability to unite Wisconsinites in a coalition that includes farmers, union leaders, teachers, small business owners and working people all across the state.”
“He gets us,” Baldwin said of the lieutenant governor.
“Think about the failed leadership we’ve been getting for the past 12 years,” Barnes said of Johnson. “Every single person in this crowd, every single person across the state — across this country — deserves so much more, and we’re going to fight for more.”
The lieutenant governor’s messaging on rural issues comes during a statewide tour that his campaign says is meant “to highlight the issues most important to communities across Wisconsin.”
The Journal Times: Barnes barnstorms into Racine in the wake of Tuesday’s easy primary win
Thursday morning, he was in Racine, briefly making his case to two Main Street business owners that he was the candidate small business owners could count on.
“Ron Johnson has cozied up to large corporations and CEOs and let them have their way on the backs of working class people,” Barnes said, referencing Oshkosh Defense specifically.
Barnes touted his Small Business Plan that would aim to support businesses like Davidson’s.
“We’ve heard that story from so many different people,” Barnes told The Journal Times. “We have to make sure there are funds available for disadvantaged businesses who did not qualify for other sources of relief funding.”
WBAY: Democratic U.S. Senate nominee Mandela Barnes tours the state
Barnes and U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin, also a Democrat, met with unions and workers at Zambaldi Beer.
Barnes blasted the incumbent, Republican U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson, for saying Wisconsin had enough good-paying jobs when Oshkosh Corporation chose to build the new fleet of U.S. Postal Service trucks in South Carolina instead of Wisconsin.
“Not only was that a thousand jobs — a thousand opportunities for young people, a thousand shots at success for young people growing up like me. And I got into politics with the simple belief that every child growing up in every ZIP Code in every community deserves the same opportunities I did,” Barnes said.
WEAU: Mandela Barnes’ “Working for Wisconsin” tour stops in La Crosse County
The tour made its way to La Crosse County on Monday, where Barnes was joined by Sen. Tammy Baldwin in a visit to the Hamburg Hills dairy farm in Stoddard.
The pair spoke with area farmers about the state of their businesses, and how elected leaders in Washington D.C. can help.
Barnes later moved on to meet with supporters in downtown La Crosse, sharing some of the biggest concerns he’s heard from people across the Badger State over the last five days.
“We see rising costs, whether at the grocery store or at the gas pump, we’ve seen 50 years of precedent being overturned with Roe vs. Wade, and we see the climate, that is in crisis,” Barnes detailed.
CBS 58: Mandela Barnes and Senator Johnson start campaigning in Southeast Wisconsin
Later, Lt. Governor Mandela Barnes met with local Black leaders in Milwaukee.
“This is a person who says a lot of crazy things as we know, the fact is what he’s doing in Washington is no joke, he wants to further the division,” said Barnes talking about Johnson.
Barnes focused on calling for more household-supporting union jobs for families, going after inflation, and protecting voting rights.
“Democracy is quite literally on the election. Freedom is on the line with this election, fairness is on the line with this election,” said Barnes.
WQOW: Lt. Gov. Mandela Barnes stops in Osseo, Eau Claire as part of campaign tour
Lt. Gov. Mandela Barnes made a campaign stop at a farm in Osseo looking to discuss the importance of Wisconsin agriculture.
During his tour, he looked at how a local family operates their farm and listened to area farmers, teachers, and small business owners about their needs and concerns like lack of available childcare, conservation of the environment, and what they want to see in the next farm bill.
Barnes also stopped in Eau Claire Tuesday afternoon. He talked with supporters at the Brewing Projekt.
KBJR: Wisconsin U.S. Senate race makes trip to Northwoods
Barnes visited Twisted Pastries Coffeehouse Wednesday morning where he talked with supporters about why he is the best choice for Wisconsin.
“When I hear Ron Johnson say something like ‘We have enough jobs in Wisconsin’ I can’t think of a more absurd thing to say,” Barnes said.
A poll released by Marquette Law School put Barnes ahead of Johnson by seven points, 51% to 44%. The margin of error is six percent in that poll.
“This is $200 million for his wealthy donors that he couldn’t be bothered to support relief for many of us,” he said.