Mayor Cavalier Johnson, Common Council President José G. Pérez, and Finance and Personnel
Committee Chair Alderwoman Marina Dimitrijevic invite residents to attend the Joint Public
Hearing on the Mayor’s Proposed 2023 Budget on Monday, October 3 at 6:30 p.m. The
meeting will take place in the Common Council Chamber on the third floor of City Hall, 200 E.
Wells St.

“Assembling the 2023 city budget involves tough choices and fiscal challenges, and voices of our
residents are an important addition to the work that’s underway,” Mayor Cavalier Johnson said.
“Milwaukee’s priorities and the city’s direction are reflected in the budget, so this public hearing is
an opportunity for people to join the discussion.”

President Pérez said the 2023 budget as proposed will present significant challenges and Council
members, the Mayor and other elected city officials value public input greatly. “We welcome and
encourage residents to provide their feedback and ideas during Monday’s joint public hearing,” he
said. “Every citizen has the right to be heard, and this is the time and place to voice your concerns or
approval as citizens.”

Alderwoman Dimitrijevic said the hearing is an important long-held tradition for citizens to address
city budget issues. “It’s exciting to open the Council chambers once again to the public for their
feedback on the 2023 City Budget,” she said. “Our budget is a reflection of our priorities and hearing
your voice is imperative in facilitating a fair process to continue to build a city where everyone can

Joint Public Hearing/ADD ONE

The joint public hearing will take place in-person only. Those wanting to speak do not need to
register in advance. Speakers will be limited to two minutes each and those attending as a group are
encouraged to nominate one representative to speak.

For those wanting to view the meeting but not speak, the joint public hearing will be televised live on
the City Channel (channel 25 on Spectrum Cable and channel 99 on AT&T U-Verse in the City of
Milwaukee) or via streaming video on the city website at
For those interested in viewing Spanish captioning:

NOTA: Para los clientes de cable de Spectrum que deseen ver subtítulos en español, ya están
disponibles en el Canal de la Ciudad. En su control remoto de cable Spectrum, presione “MENÚ.”
Seleccione “SUBTÍTULOS/CAPTIONS.” Use la flecha hacia abajo hasta
“ESTÁNDAR/STANDARD,” luego use la flecha hacia arriba y cambie a “CC3.”