(Milwaukee, WI) – U.S. Congresswoman Gwen Moore is going to have to work hard in her re-election campaign as long-time Milwaukee activist, event promoter, and father of five, Travis Clark has declared candidacy for the U.S Congress and has secured ballot placement with extensive public support.
Travis Clark was raised in Milwaukee and continues to make the state’s largest city his home. He works in the domestic and import/export shipping sector at a local manufacturing company and serves his fellow workers as a private-sector union steward. He strongly supports American-made manufacturing and strategically invests in our communities to break up the streets-to-prison cycle and instead fuel a prison-to-workplace pipeline, benefitting both families and our Wisconsin businesses.
Travis is a father of five. Like any father, he longs to see his children grow up safely with access to the best possible education and job opportunities. Yet his children’s friends are dying without purpose in the streets and Travis has watched the city he loves deteriorate with too little action in proactive policy making from all levels of government.
While most people get the privacy of keeping life’s troubles to themselves, this is not a privilege afforded to candidates for public office. But Travis isn’t seeking to keep his past a secret because it has been such a fundamental part of who he is today. Travis, like many fatherless youth going down the wrong path in life, was as a young person arrested and convicted of committing a crime. He has the experience of being a prisoner, learning about the law, and coordinating his court-ordered release when the court found his constitutional rights – those rights we all hold so dear – were violated. He was released from prison over
two decades ago and turned his life around to be a productive member of society with a moral compass hoping to raise his children right and better his fellow man.
“I’m stepping up to serve as Wisconsin’s next member of Congress because our current representation is inadequate, ingrained, and sitting pretty. It’s time for taking our rights seriously and time for action.”