BELOIT, MADISON, and EAU CLAIRE – Today, after Republican Tim Michels was caught pledging to Republican activists that “Republicans will never lose another election in Wisconsin after I’m elected governor,” State Representatives Mark Spreitzer (D – Beloit), Lisa Subeck (D – Madison), and Jodi Emerson (D – Eau Claire), who serve on the Assembly Committee on Campaigns and Elections, issued the following joint statement:
“In the two years since Donald Trump lost the state of Wisconsin and lost his re-election bid for President of the United States, Republicans in Wisconsin have faced a stark choice: embrace conspiracy theories and lies perpetuated by the former President or accept reality and push back against attacks on our democracy. Yesterday, Republican candidate for Governor of Wisconsin, Tim Michels, revealed in comments to Republican activists that he has fully committed to Donald Trump’s marching orders and will reject the will of Wisconsin voters if he is elected.
“Make no mistake, Republicans know that they lose fair elections in Wisconsin and this anti-democracy pledge from Michels is just the latest Republican rejection of the will of the people. From Speaker Vos wasting more than $1.5 million in taxpayer dollars and embracing conspiracy theories to win his Assembly primary to the repeated gerrymandering of our state that guarantees a minority of Republican voters can elect a majority of the seats in the Wisconsin Legislature, Republicans in Wisconsin have made it their mission to defy the will of the people and cling desperately to power.
“We have had a front-row seat to every conspiracy theorist, fraudster, and liar that Republicans have brought to the Capitol to attack our democracy since 2020, and they will do anything and say anything to undermine our elections. It is clear that Tim Michels will use all of the powers of the Governor’s office to rig elections for Republicans.
“In one week, Wisconsinites who value our democratic system and fair elections must cast their vote to re-elect Governor Tony Evers. Our state and our democracy need Governor Tony Evers.”