MADISON, Wis. – The Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP) has certified two nominees that are eligible to be elected to the Ginseng Board of Wisconsin. Candidates were nominated during the period that ended April 1, 2022. Wisconsin ginseng growers have until June 15, 2022 to vote on the following candidates:
- Kirk Baumann, Wausau
- Danny Krueger, Wausau
DATCP will mail ballots to eligible ginseng growers during the week of May 15, 2022. Growers who have not received a ballot by May 20, 2022 can request one by contacting Debbie Gegare, DATCP Market Orders Program Coordinator, at 608-224-5116 or Eligible growers can vote for the nominated growers or write in other eligible producers. Ballots must be emailed or postmarked by June 15, 2022.
Elected producers will serve three-year terms beginning July 1, 2022 and ending June 30, 2025.
About the Ginseng Board of Wisconsin
The Ginseng Board of Wisconsin is composed of seven at-large producers who are responsible for administering Wisconsin’s Ginseng Marketing Order. The board oversees the collection and use of approximately $300,000 in assessment fees paid by Wisconsin ginseng growers. This funding is used to support the ginseng industry through research, education, and promotion of Wisconsin-grown ginseng.
DATCP administers elections for all Wisconsin market orders. To learn more about the market order boards, visit