MADISON, Wis. – The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources today announced the Peshtigo Shooting Range will open on Aug. 17 to users when a range supervisor can be present, as the department seeks more volunteer supervisors to expand its public hours.

The range, on Hipke Road in Marinette County, has been closed since November 2021 due to a shortage of volunteers and DNR supervisory staff.

“Our goal is to expand the hours as more range supervisors can be brought on board. We know this range is appreciated by its users, and our department goal is to have it open as much as possible,” said Bob Nack, DNR Recruitment, Retention and Reactivation Team supervisor. “If anyone believes they would enjoy becoming a range supervisor for Peshtigo, we would like to hear from you.”

Please note that hours are subject to change as staffing changes and users are encouraged to check the range status before visiting: DNR’s Public Shooting Ranges. The webpage also contains links to other range websites and updates.

While the department works on expanding the Peshtigo hours, other facilities in the vicinity include:

  • Peshtigo Gun Club (W2803 Pheasant Farm Rd, Peshtigo, WI 54157)

This is a shotgun-rifle facility.

  • Machickanee (3490 Garrity Rd, Oconto Falls, WI 54154)

This is a county-owned, rifle-pistol facility.


The department thanks the range users for their patience and support.

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