MADISON, Wis. – The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) invites adults interested in giving turkey hunting a try to sign up for our next Hunt for Food course starting on March 22.

Led by volunteer instructors with help from DNR staff, the multi-session program includes a virtual introductory classroom session followed by in-person, hands-on instructive field days in preparation for a weekend of mentored turkey hunting.

The course gives adults an opportunity to get a jump-start on learning to hunt, a life skill that provides a unique and meaningful connection to Wisconsin’s wildlife and the outdoors.

The in-person Hunt For Food turkey hunting course will take place in south central Wisconsin at various locations in Dane, Iowa, Columbia and Sauk Counties. Additional Hunt for Food courses will be added at a later date. Check Go Wild regularly for future course options. 

Space is extremely limited due to available hunting locations and volunteer capacity. With only 10 open seats, don’t wait to sign up. Please be sure that you can attend all sessions of the program.

Registration closes March 18 or when all seats are filled.

How To Enroll:

  1. Visit
  2. Login to your existing account, or create a new account
  3. Answer the residency prompt and click ‘Next’
  4. If the review summary is correct, click ‘Yes’
  5. Click ‘Student Dashboard’ under the Safety Education tab
  6. Click ‘Enroll in New Class’
  7. Select the Course Type drop-down menu and click ‘HUNT FOR FOOD.’ Click ‘Search’
  8. Click the black ‘Details’ arrow next to each class to see the locations, dates, contact information and additional details
  9. Click ‘Enroll’ or follow the instructions provided under the details for alternate enrollment options
  10. Check your email for any communication from the instructor and attend the first class


Learn more about the Hunt For Food program on the DNR website.

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