Gov. Tony Evers is investing in families, businesses, and schools and putting money back in the pockets of Wisconsinites with his plan for the state’s record-breaking projected budget surplus. This comes after Wisconsin achieved its lowest unemployment rate in state history under Gov. Evers’ leadership.
Read to see how Gov. Evers’ surplus plan will benefit Wisconsin families:
Gov. Evers’ plan will send a $150 tax rebate to every Wisconsin resident to combat rising costs. A family of four would receive $600 under the plan.
Gov. Evers’ plan also lifts the burden on parents, creating more affordable child care options by expanding the Child and Dependent Care Credit.
To help families and save the state money — Gov. Evers’ plan invests in caregivers with a new Caregiver Tax Credit.
Gov. Evers knows that what’s best for our kids is best for our state, and his surplus plan will help improve the quality of education for Wisconsin children.
Wisconsin Republicans, however, want to let the surplus sit in Madison until 2023, refusing to put money back in the hands of Wisconsin families when they need it most.
“Gov. Tony Evers’ surplus plan will cut costs for Wisconsin families, support businesses, expand access to child care, and improve public education at a time when Wisconsinites need it most,” said DGA Senior Communications Advisor Christina Amestoy. “Republicans would rather hoard the surplus or waste Wisconsinites’ money on fringe conspiracy theories than deliver for hardworking families, but Gov. Evers knows it’s time to do what’s right for Wisconsin.”