New polling shows voters “overwhelmingly reject” the Republican plan that could sunset Medicare and Social Security
As new polling shows the GOP plan that could sunset Medicare and Social Security after 5 years is “universally unpopular,” the DNC is launching a new ad buy targeting seniors on Facebook to make sure they know that Republicans could put their hard-earned benefits at risk. The ads will run in New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Wisconsin, Nevada, and Arizona. The ads come as part of a push by the DNC to communicate directly with voters about Republicans’ plan that could raise taxes and sunset Medicare and Social Security. Since NRSC Chair Rick Scott announced the plan in March, the DNC and state Democratic parties have held events blasting the plan in swing states, including Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Michigan, North Carolina, Florida, and Georgia, launched a digital ad buy in key states highlighting how the plan could raise taxes ahead of Tax Day, and bracketed an event where Scott was promoting the plan. See below for the ad: “Seniors across America depend on the Medicare and Social Security benefits they’ve been paying into for decades to access life-saving care and cover everyday expenses – and Republicans are putting their right to these hard-earned benefits in jeopardy,” said DNC States Communications Director Brooke Goren. “Americans can’t afford the Republican agenda, and the DNC is committed to spending every day between now and November making sure that voters know it.” More than 61 million Americans depend on Medicare for their health coverage, and nearly 70 million Americans rely on their Social Security benefits for everything from groceries to rent – and without these programs they’d see their out-of-pocket costs on health care and daily expenses go up. While Republicans are threatening these hard-earned benefits, President Biden and Democrats have proposed measures to bolster Social Security and responsibly reduce the deficit without touching Medicare or Social Security by making billionaires pay their fair share in taxes – while also lowering costs for working families. Ad transcript: VO1: Florida Republican Senator Rick Scott just released an 11-point plan to “rescue America.” VO2: So that would raise taxes on half of Americans and potentially sunset programs like Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security. Why would you propose something like that in an election year? VO2: It’s not a Democratic talking point, it’s in the plan. |