MADISON, Wis — In case you missed it, the Washington Post and the Cap Times highlighted how Governor Tony Evers is taking action and fighting for abortion rights in Wisconsin.

Wisconsin’s criminal abortion law — which originated before the Civil War and is older than 20 states — could ban nearly all abortions in Wisconsin, including in cases of rape and incest. Last week, Republican legislators gaveled in and out of Gov. Evers’ special session to repeal the law within seconds.

Immediately after the Supreme Court’s decision, Gov. Evers blasted the decision and its consequences on Wisconsinites and their families, vowing to defend reproductive freedom, including access to safe, legal abortion in Wisconsin. Gov. Evers is willing to provide clemency to physicians charged under Wisconsin’s archaic 1849 law, and on Tuesday, Gov. Evers and Attorney General Josh Kaul announced a direct legal challenge to the 173-year old law.

See below for more on Gov. Evers taking action and fighting for abortion rights.

Washington Post: A ban, a lawsuit, an election: Abortion firestorm erupts in Wisconsin

  • “‘We will fight,’ Gov. Tony Evers (D), who is seeking reelection and working to thwart the abortion ban, said in an interview with The Washington Post this week. ‘We will fight every possible way to keep what we’ve got for the last 50 years.’”


Cap Times: Editorial | Tony Evers has come out fighting for abortion rights

  • “Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers has a reputation for being a mild-mannered administrator. But there was nothing genteel about the governor’s response to the decision by the U.S. Supreme Court’s right-wing judicial activist majority to undermine abortion rights.”


  • “‘I have seven granddaughters who are girls or young women,’ Evers told delegates to the Democratic Party of Wisconsin Convention over the weekend. ‘Yesterday they were made second-class citizens. That’s bullshit!’”

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