Gov. Tony Evers has released three new TV ads, two knocking his GOP rival and the third defending the Dem incumbent from attacks over those released on parole during his time in office.

The Evers campaign didn’t release information about the buy. According to information collected by AdImpact as of last night, the guv was poised to spend $2.2 million on paid media for the week that begins today.

One of the spots opens with the narrator saying “Tim Michels wants to scare you with lies” as the ad shows a cluster of TV screens running ads attacking the guv.

The narrator says the truth is independent fact checkers gave Michels’ parole attacks a “pants on fire rating,” finding the guv doesn’t allow any release of criminals.

The narrator adds another fact is Evers increased police funding and is working to invest in high-crime areas through job training, after school programs and mental health.

“So when you see all these, do this,” the narrator says as the TVs showing the attack ads turn off.

Another spot is a 15-second ad similar to others that length Evers has released previously. The narrator says Michels encourages violence from his supporters as the ad plays a clip of the construction exec saying, “People should just be ready to get out in the streets with pitchforks and torches.”

The ad also plays a clip of Michels saying, “I don’t care who I offend.”

The narrator concludes the ad, “Is that the kind of divisive radical you want as governor?” The other 15-second spots have a similar closing line.

The third ad is similar to a previous ad Evers ran knocking Michels over sexual harassment lawsuits filed against Michels Corp. The new spot includes news clips on the suits.

That ad concludes, “That’s how radical Tim Michels runs his company, don’t let him run our state.”

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