New Television Ads Focused on Mobilizing Voters and Calling Out Ron Johnson As a Gun Lobby Lackey Are Part of the Seven-Figure Effort

New Polling Reveals 94% of Wisconsinites Support Background Checks on All Gun Sales, 80% say Gun Violence is Important Issue When Voting

MADISON — Today, Everytown for Gun Safety Victory Fund announced a new $1 million paid media campaign in Wisconsin for the 2022 midterm elections. The effort will focus on mobilizing voters and calling out Ron Johnson for being beholden to the gun lobby and his opposition to common-sense gun safety laws that makes all of us less safe. The advertising will run on television in the Madison and Milwaukee media markets. 

“Our new polling numbers confirm what we already knew: Wisconsin voters are looking for candidates who will stand up for public safety and fight for common-sense gun safety laws,” said John Feinblatt, head of Everytown for Gun Safety Victory Fund. “Everytown Victory Fund is making a major investment to ensure Wisconsinites know that Ron Johnson is an extremist who values gun industry profits over public safety.” 

As a part of today’s announcement, Everytown Victory Fund also released a new poll in Wisconsin conducted last month, showing the power of gun safety for voters. A full memo is available here but key findings include: 

  • 80% of voters say that a candidate’s position on guns and gun violence prevention is important when deciding who to vote for;
  • 94% of voters support background checks on all gun sales;
  • 76% of voters support Red Flag laws, which give families or law enforcement a way to temporarily remove guns from someone who poses a serious threat to themselves or others, and; 
  • 83% of voters support the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, the first major federal gun safety legislation passed in over 25 years — which Ron Johnson voted against. 



Mass shootings, school shootings, and violent crime are on the rise

And Ron Johnson is making things worse. 

He abandoned law enforcement, 

Voting against funding for the police,

Preventing local departments from hiring more officers. 

But supported flooding our streets with guns, 

And making it easier for violent criminals and domestic abusers to get them.

Ron Johnson is failing to keep us safe.