MILWAUKEE— Fair Elections Project Director Sachin Chheda released the following statement in response to yesterday’s decision by a federal judge ensuring access to absentee ballots for disabled voters:
“The decision by a federal judge to carve out a small sliver of hope in our democracy is a necessary but hardly sufficient step to making our elections stronger. Congratulations to those brave voters and the team at Law Forward for their success.
“This is a simple example of how right-wing partisan interests have undermined our elections. We shouldn’t be reliant on federal judges and expensive, difficult lawsuits to protect democracy.
“Common sense tells us that if you’re voting absentee, it is perfectly appropriate for a spouse, roommate, or friend to walk that ballot not only to a mailbox, but to drop it off at the town hall or local library.
“Yet, partisan right-wing judges, allied with do-nothing right-wing legislators, have worked steadily to make voting harder, and have now created a patchwork of rules in our election system which could serve to confuse and demotivate voters.
“Voters of every political persuasion want elections to be transparent and simple. It’s way past time for right-wing politicians to put aside their partisan motivations and patriotically come to the table to improve election administration with common-sense reforms.
“Our message to voters – VOTE. Vote like your life, our country, our democracy, and our future depends on it. They may try to make it harder or stop you, but this is the very idea of America – we must all vote.”