MADISON – Sarah Godlewski today blasted Ron Johnson’s pathetic, clumsy and blatantly obvious attempt to move into the mainstream on the issue of choice — after years of suggesting otherwise: 
“Ron Johnson claimed that the overturning of Roe v. Wade was a “victory” and he bragged about confirming far-right justices who took away a woman’s right to choose. But the reality is, Ron Johnson always knew that Wisconsin had this 1849 ban on the books that doesn’t include exceptions for rape or incest, and yet he still cheered this decision. He can’t correct the record on his anti-women, anti-freedom views — and I’m the woman who’s going to defeat him in November.”
Ron Johnson’s record on being anti-choice:

  • MILWAUKEE JOURNAL SENTINEL: Ron Johnson on Anti-Abortion Laws: “If you don’t like the result in your state that you currently reside in, you can move”
  • WALL STREET JOURNAL: Ron Johnson on Supreme Court overturning Roe: “It’s not going to be that big a change”
  • RAWSTORY: Ron Johnson says women are useful because “we need to populate the Earth”
  • WISCONSIN STATE JOURNAL: Ron Johnson on overturning Roe: “a victory”
  • UP NORTH NEWS: Ron Johnson on the ruling: “I’m fully supportive of what the Supreme Court did. I obviously confirmed the justices that handed down that correct decision.”
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