MADISON — Gov. Tony Evers today took action on 43 bills. Among the 43 bills upon which the governor took action, Gov. Evers signed 15 bills into law:

Senate Bill 115, now 2021 Wisconsin Act 253: 

  • Makes various changes to the definition of program sponsor and the program sponsor requirements relating to chiropractic continuing education.

Senate Bill 392, now 2021 Wisconsin Act 254: 

  • Establishes a certification program for expanded function dental auxiliaries to be administered by the Dentistry Examining Board; and
  • Requires the board to promulgate rules for the certification and practice of expanded function dental auxiliaries.

Senate Bill 508, now 2021 Wisconsin Act 255: 

  • Expands the colors of lamps that are legally allowed on state, county, and municipal highway department vehicles to include green in addition to red or amber; and
  • Expands the number of flashing lamps permissible on such a vehicle from two to four.

Senate Bill 519, now 2021 Wisconsin Act 256: 

  • Authorizes a judge to issue a permanent restraining order if the judge finds that the respondent was convicted of certain sexual assault offenses and the person seeking the restraining order was the crime victim.

Senate Bill 535, now 2021 Wisconsin Act 257: 

  • Creates immunity from damages, if certain criteria are met, for charitable organizations who provide previously owned eyeglasses to people.

Senate Bill 566, now 2021 Wisconsin Act 258: 

  • Adopts, with modifications, the most recent versions of the Uniform Limited Partnership Act and Uniform Limited Liability Company Act; and 
  • Makes changes to the state’s partnership laws and to laws governing business corporations and non-stock corporations to improve consistency across Wisconsin’s business organization statutes.

Senate Bill 604, now 2021 Wisconsin Act 259: 

  • Specifies the types of financial information that must be included in the annual exchange of information in an order for family support, child support, or maintenance; and  
  • Sets an annual deadline of May 1 of each calendar year by which the information must be exchanged, unless there is another date agreed upon in writing.

Senate Bill 644, now 2021 Wisconsin Act 260: 

  • Replaces the annuity sales suitability standard with a best interest of the consumer standard that must not place the financial interest of the insurance agent or insurer ahead of the consumer when an agent or insurer is recommending an annuity product to a prospective buyer.

Senate Bill 673, now 2021 Wisconsin Act 261: 

  • Specifies the Department of Military Affairs’ responsibilities relating to the statewide emergency number system; and  
  • Creates a new grant program through which the department must issue grants to county land information offices for the purpose of preparing geographic information systems data to help enable Next Generation 9-1-1.

Senate Bill 794, now 2021 Wisconsin Act 262: 

  • Makes changes related to the Department of Revenue’s audits of pass-through entities.

Assembly Bill 251, now 2021 Wisconsin Act 263: 

  • Expands the crime of falsely assuming to act as a public officer, a public employee, or a utility employee to also include impersonating, or representing to be, an official with intent to mislead others into believing they are an official.

Senate Bill 564, now 2021 Wisconsin Act 264: 

  • Requires the Department of Corrections to contract with no fewer than three vendors that allow an inmate to purchase department-approved hobby, religious, and other personal items.

Senate Bill 718, now 2021 Wisconsin Act 265: 

  • Make a series of changes to campaign finance laws as recommended by the Ethics Commission.

Senate Bill 719, now 2021 Wisconsin Act 266: 

  • Make a series of changes to lobbying laws as recommended by the Ethics Commission.

Senate Bill 720, now 2021 Wisconsin Act 267:  

  • Make a series of technical changes to the administration of the code of ethics, as recommended by the Ethics Commission, to provide additional clarity.

In addition to signing the above bills, Gov. Evers vetoed 28 bills. The governor’s veto messages are available below.

Veto Message for Assembly Bill 299

Veto Message for Assembly Bill 316

Veto Message for Assembly Bill 883

Veto Message for Assembly Bill 934

Veto Message for Assembly Bill 935

Veto message for Assembly Bill 936

Veto message for Assembly Bill 937

Veto message for Assembly Bill 938

Veto message for Assembly Bill 939

Veto message for Assembly Bill 963

Veto message for Assembly Bill 966

Veto message for Assembly Bill 970

Veto message for Senate Bill 213

Veto message for Senate Bill 347

Veto message for Senate Bill 365

Veto message for Senate Bill 394

Veto message for Senate Bill 409

Veto message for Senate Bill 494

Veto message for Senate Bill 570

Veto message for Senate Bill 585

Veto message for Senate Bill 608

Veto message for Senate Bill 629

Veto message for Senate Bill 695

Veto message for Senate Bill 703

Veto Message for Senate Bill 707

Veto message for Senate Bill 708

Veto message for Senate Bill 900

Veto message for Senate Bill 936 

An online version of this release is available here.