MADISON, Wis. — In case you missed it, UpNorthNews highlighted how Governor Tony Evers has led Wisconsin schools to Top Ten in America, after being ranked 18th just five years ago.
As a lifelong educator, Gov. Evers has long said that what’s best for our kids is best for our state — because nothing is more important than working with parents, teachers, and students to help every Wisconsinite achieve their dreams. During his first term, Gov. Evers has delivered on his promise to fund our schools by more than we have in the last 20 years, expanded early education programs, and extended the tuition freeze at the University of Wisconsin to help make college more affordable for working families.
And while there is more work to be done, Gov. Evers is working together with parents, teachers, and students to do the right thing for Wisconsin schools.
Read more below on how Gov. Evers has led Wisconsin schools to Top Ten in America.
UpNorthNews: Governor Evers Leads Wisconsin Schools To Top 10 Best in U.S.
During the last year of former Republican Governor Scott Walker’s tenure, Wisconsin’s education system was ranked just 18th in the country according to the gold standard US News & World Reports rankings.
Just three years later, after two full years under Democratic Governor Tony Evers, Wisconsin schools are back in the top ten, ranking 8th best in the nation.
Evers, the former State Superintendent of Public Instruction and an educator himself, made strengthening public education a cornerstone of his 2018 campaign. Since taking office, Evers has delivered a number of accomplishments in the education space.
2/3’s Funding: According to PolitiFact, Evers promised to restore the full state commitment to funding public education to two thirds during his run for Governor; today, they rate that as a “promise kept.”
Early Education: Despite opposition from Republican lawmakers in the legislature, Evers has found ways to invest in early education, directing more than $130 million in federal funding available to the state directly to programs like Child Care Counts.
Higher Education: Evers has extended the tuition freeze for the University of Wisconsin for in-state students, keeping college more affordable for working families while finding other ways to maintain funding levels for schools.
Stacking these wins for students, teachers, and school districts atop one another has likely been former educator turned Governor Tony Evers proudest accomplishments. And it should be, moving Wisconsin schools up ten spots in the ranking, back to the top ten where they belong is a great accomplishment, by any measure.