Madison, WI – Today, exclusive for donors and supporters, the Institute for Reforming Government (IRG) announced a groundbreaking research partnership on healthcare policy with healthcare economist Tomas Philipson, a professor of public policy at the University of Chicago and former acting chair of the White House Council of Economic Advisers for President Donald Trump, to make Wisconsin the national leader in free-market, state-based healthcare solutions.
Together, Philipson and IRG’s policy team will generate an unprecedented playbook for conservative, free-market healthcare reforms ahead of Wisconsin’s 2023-2025 budget. With a focus on increasing choice and competition in the private sector and reforming Medicaid, these policy solutions will demonstrate how lawmakers, policymakers, and industry stakeholders can successfully deliver higher-quality and more sustainable healthcare to Wisconsinites.
“Patients in Wisconsin cannot afford to wait any longer. We need free-market policy solutions NOW that can be implemented at the state level to lower costs and improve access. Working with an elite policy team, including renowned University of Chicago Professor Tomas Philipson, IRG will prove that conservatives can bring solutions that enhance choice, manage costs, and ensure access, all while improving our current, disjointed system.
“Once successful in Wisconsin, IRG will help guide states across the nation in replicating our model of reform, showing that conservatives have both the policies and the willpower to transform health care in this country. If the federal government won’t act, IRG will show states the way forward.”
– IRG President CJ Szafir
About Professor Philipson
Professor Tom Philipson is the Daniel Levin Professor of Public Policy Studies Emeritus at the University of Chicago Harris School of Public Policy. He currently directs the Becker Friedman Institute’s Program on Foundational Research in Health Care Markets and Policies. Professor Philipson also served as the acting chairman of the White House Council of Economic Advisers during the Trump administration. Read more here.