Contact: Dylan Lefler

OSHKOSH  – On Sunday, Ron Johnson announced he will run for reelection to represent the people of Wisconsin in the U.S. Senate. Senator Johnson was first elected in 2010 and was reelected in 2016. Ron Johnson first ran for Senate to fight for Wisconsinites and it’s clear that the fight is far from over.
“In 2010, I promised I would always tell people the truth and that I would never vote with re-election in mind.  An extension of that promise is that I don’t conduct myself worrying about re-election.   When re-election is not your primary motivation, those are easy promises to keep – and I have faithfully done so.  That attitude is relatively unique in Washington, and it may be one reason why many appreciate having me involved in the national debate,” said Senator Johnson.
“So today, I am announcing I will continue to fight for freedom in the public realm by running for re-election.   It is not a decision I have made lightly.  Having already experienced a growing level of vitriol and false attacks, I certainly don’t expect better treatment in the future.   In order for my campaign to succeed, I will need the support of every Wisconsinite who values the truth and refuses to allow lies and distortions to prevail.”
To read Senator Johnson’s Op-Ed click HERE

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