WAUKESHA, WISCONSIN — Respected leaders of the judicial conservative movement in Wisconsin, Supreme Court Justice Rebecca Bradley and Court of Appeals Judge Shelley Grogan, weigh in on the upcoming Supreme Court election and share statements of support for Justice Daniel Kelly’s campaign to rejoin the Wisconsin Supreme Court:

Justice Rebecca Bradley
“There is no one I trust more to uphold the Constitution and the rule of law than judicial conservative Daniel Kelly. During our time together on the Wisconsin Supreme Court, it became clear to me that Daniel’s knowledge and commitment to the law are simply unmatched. There is no better choice than Daniel in the upcoming Supreme Court election and I am proud to endorse him early in this race. I encourage all those who value the preservation of our constitutional rights and the prevention of judicial activism on the court to enthusiastically join Team Kelly today. We have no time to waste.”

Justice Bradley went on to share her thoughts on what’s at stake in the election.

“The court faces the threat of judicial activism from candidates who wish to impose their radical political agenda on our state if only they can defeat Justice Kelly and flip the makeup of the court even more in their favor. The preservation of the rule of law and the protection of our liberty are at stake.  Now is not the time to take a chance with an untested candidate.”

Judge Shelley Grogan
“It is my honor to endorse Justice Daniel Kelly for the Wisconsin Supreme Court.  I was there when he provided the fourth vote to lift the unconstitutional lockdown imposed on the people. Wisconsin needs him on the Court. He has consistently demonstrated that he will faithfully apply the rule of law and our Constitutions, protect our freedom and liberty, and defend our God-given rights.  Please join me in supporting this intelligent, honest, kind, and courageous constitutionalist who abided by his oath to support our Constitution in a time when so many others ignored it.”

Like Justice Daniel Kelly, Justice Rebecca Bradley was appointed to the Wisconsin Supreme Court by Conservative Governor Scott Walker. She was elected to a full 10-year term in 2016.

In 2021, Judge Shelley Grogan was elected to the Wisconsin Court of Appeals, District II by defeating an incumbent judge appointed by radical liberal Tony Evers. This was the first time an incumbent lost reelection in decades.