
[Waukesha, WI] – Rebecca Kleefisch’s campaign for Governor of Wisconsin announced that she raised more than $3.3 million in the first four months of her campaign – one of the largest initial finance reports by a gubernatorial challenger in Wisconsin history.

“In only four months, hard-working Wisconsinites from every corner of the state have embraced our grassroots movement,” Rebecca Kleefisch said in a statement. “Our campaign has the infrastructure that will unite conservatives to take back Wisconsin and retire Tony Evers.”

The $3.3 million dollar raise surpasses the combined total of what Tony Evers and all other Wisconsin Democrats running for governor raised by January of 2018. The number also exceeds Scott Walker’s first fundraising report in 2009 after launching his successful campaign.

As further proof that grassroots conservatives continue to throw their support behind Rebecca, she received donations from nearly 7,000 individuals residing in all 72 counties.

First Fundraising Reports: Recent Gubernatorial Challengers

Rebecca Kleefisch, Jan. 2022: $3,361,487

Tony Evers, Jan. 2017: $312,015

Mark Neumann, Jan. 2010: $1,324,981

Tom Barrett, Jan. 2010: $811,866

Scott Walker, Jul. 2009: $1,142,559

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