Milwaukee – Today’s Marquette Law School Poll showed that Alex Lasry has surged into a statistical tie with Lt. Governor Mandela Barnes.

The poll showed Lasry’s support continuing to rise, improving to just 3 points behind Mandela Barnes, 19% – 16%, well within the margin of error. This is an improvement from 10 points behind in the last Marquette Poll. No other candidate in the race received more than 7% of the vote.

The poll also showed Senator Ron Johnson is viewed unfavorably by 46% of voters, his highest unfavorable rating ever in the Marquette Poll.

“Alex Lasry is rapidly gaining support and has made this primary into a statistical tie,” said Garren Randolph, Lasry’s campaign manager. “The more voters hear from Alex, the more support he gains. Wisconsinites want their next U.S. Senator to be someone with a proven record of delivering real results for working families. Alex will win this primary and be the Democratic nominee who beats Ron Johnson this fall.”

Details on today’s Marquette poll can be found here.

The Democratic Primary Election for the United States Senate will be held Tuesday, August 9th, 2022. For more information about Alex Lasry’s campaign, visit

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