Washington, DC – Look Ahead America’s Executive Director Matt Braynard made the following statement:

Our organization is proud to have raised the funds necessary to conduct a pre-election audit of voter lists in nine states to identify voters that are candidates for removal due to illegitimate addresses or having moved permanently out of state.

The plan is to provide this data to each state’s Secretary of State’s Elections Division and to local activist groups for additional research and follow-up. We believe these records are also grounds for county-level activists to challenge votes and will be making them available upon request for that purpose.

The problem with the 2020 election was that so much of this effort was directed at trying to correct voter lists after Election Day. We believe that if we apply this rigorous hygiene before the election, we will help prevent illegal ballots from being cast and, just as important, restore confidence in the elections among those who may have doubts.

Look Ahead America invites activists to participate in our voter audit by signing up at https://LookAheadAmerica.org/Volunteer. Activists can petition their Secretary of State’s Elections Office to investigate these records, request their county Board of Elections review them, and challenge ballots cast in the names of these voters.