WEST ALLIS, Wisc. – Today marks the day that Tony Evers may finally be forced to release the public records of 2022 parolees that his commission has been stonewalling for months.
Last week, Senator Van Wanggaard and Senator Julian Bradley wrote a letterdemanding an answer to why Evers’ Department of Corrections and Parole Commission are “stonewalling and undermining the Legislature’s duty to oversee the DOC and Commission.” Wanggaard said late Tuesday that the Department indicated that by the end of the week they would get him the readily-available information he requested months ago.
“The public deserves transparency, especially when it directly affects the public safety of Wisconsin communities,” said Republican gubernatorial candidate Tim Michels. “Wisconsinites deserve to know how many child rapists and brutal murderers are living in their neighborhoods thanks to the soft-on-crime policies of Tony Evers.”
All month, Wisconsin Right Now has been reporting on the brutal murderers, child rapists, and other violent criminals being released by Evers’ Parole Commission. Excluding the 2022 parolees, whose names Evers and the stonewallers refuse to turn over, at least 884 convicted criminals have been released early by Tony Evers’ Parole Commission and are now living throughout the state.
“Not only is Tony Evers making our neighborhoods less safe, but he won’t even be honest with the people of Wisconsin about his record,” continued Michels. “Wisconsin families need a governor who will keep violent criminals off the street. Evers’ time is up.”