MILWAUKEE – On April 14 the Friends of Villa Terrace opened their newest exhibition, In the Park with Olmsted: A Vision for Milwaukee. The exhibition will be open to the public through September 25 and will profile the significant contributions Frederick Law Olmsted made toward inclusive, accessible parks systems across the United States.

“I’d like to encourage all residents who enjoy our parks to visit this exhibit,” said Supervisor Peter Burgelis. “Olmsted has had a major impact on developing America’s landscape and his influence on our parks system is undeniable. His work deserves to be celebrated as we approach the 200th anniversary of his birthday on April 26.”

Olmsted is well regarded in Milwaukee for designing Lake, Riverside and Washington parks, as well as Newberry Boulevard. He is most known worldwide for designing New York City’s Central Park, Boston’s Emerald Necklace, and the grounds of the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C.

“Frederick Law Olmsted is considered by many as the father of landscape architecture in the U.S., and it’s incredible to think that his vision from 130 years ago shaped the character of the city itself, and is still enjoyed by so many Milwaukeeans today,” said Guy Smith, Executive Director of Milwaukee County Parks. “His legacy of landscape architecture has continued over the last century too, through the work of the skilled landscape architects in our parks department. Like Olmsted, the work they do today will shape how people use and enjoy our parks over the next hundred years.”

“The Villa Terrace Decorative Arts Museum is honored to be hosting an exhibition profiling the life of Frederick Law Olmsted,” said Villa Terrace Decorative Arts Museum Interim Executive Director Neil Albrecht. “While we applaud and respect Olmsted’s remarkable contribution to the landscape here in Milwaukee and across the country, we were particularly drawn to hosting this exhibition because of his ideologies around parks as inclusive, accessible places. Olmsted’s vision still resonates in today’s society and validates Milwaukee County’s efforts to create a more inclusive community for its residents.”

The Villa Terrace Decorative Arts Museum is located at 2220 N. Terrace Ave in Milwaukee. Additional information on this exhibition is available at

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