MILWAUKEE, WI – Today, the Milwaukee County Board unanimously approved a resolution co-authored by County Executive David Crowley, County Board Chairwoman Marcelia Nicholson, and Supervisor Sequanna Taylor to reestablish the Milwaukee County Youth Commission.
“As an alumnus of the Youth Commission it brings me great joy to see this important program be revived at Milwaukee County at a time when it is clear our youth need to be supported and empowered,” said County Executive David Crowley. “Thank you to the County Board for recognizing this important asset for our youth and voting unanimously to reestablish the County’s Youth Commission. After the tragic events of this week, it is now important more than ever to show our young people their own power and potential by making it easy for them to become civically engaged and use their voice to shape their government and their community.”
Since 2020, Milwaukee County has moved forward with implementing a strategic plan to achieve racial equity. The Youth Commission works to further advance one of the plan’s strategic goals of “Creating Intentional Inclusion” by creating and nurturing an inclusive culture across the County.
The Milwaukee County Commission on Youth is created to serve as a representative body for youth in Milwaukee County government. The commission shall work in partnership with the County Board Chairwoman and the County Executive to make advisory recommendations about policy and budgetary decisions to the Milwaukee County Board of Supervisors, and to advance the county’s mission of achieving racial equity.
County Executive David Crowley is expected to sign the County Board file in June.