MILWAUKEE (April 29, 2022) – Milwaukee Public Schools released the 2022–23 proposed budget Friday, April 29. The $1.3 billion balanced budget will allow the district to further sharpen its focus on the classroom while moving forward with the Five Priorities for Success that will improve student outcomes. The proposed budget also places significant emphasis on staff who support students through providing professional development, opportunities for increased collaboration, and updated resources. For every dollar budgeted in the MPS School Operations Fund, 94% is used to educate and support children in Milwaukee.
“This balanced budget is student-centered so that our young people at Milwaukee Public Schools have the resources they need for post-secondary success,” MPS Superintendent Dr. Keith P. Posley said. “By ensuring our dollars reach the classroom, we will continue to accelerate student achievement, supply our staff the support needed to educate our students, and provide the standard of care our young people deserve.”
The 2022–23 Superintendent’s Proposed Budget does reflect an overall decrease of $746.5 million, or a 36% decrease, from the 2021–22 Amended Adopted Budget. Although the district has until September 2024 to spend Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funds, the full amount was recognized in 2022. As a result, total revenue has decreased in 2023. The following significant budget changes are proposed for 2022–23:
  • Increase school-based funding by $25.6 million.
  • Provide a 4.7% cost of living salary increase for all staff.
  • Implement the third phase of the new music, art, and physical education policies.
  • Implement the third year of recurring referendum for an additional $7.0 million, totaling $84.0 million.
Despite continued challenges, the budget provides staff and students with every opportunity possible, and within the current means, to achieve success in their MPS journey. The district remains firm in its obligation to maximize available resources to provide support to students and schools. The budget proposal can be found at
The proposed budget will be presented at the Milwaukee Board of School Directors’ Committee on Strategic Planning and Budget on May 5, 2022, at 5:30 p.m. Please see full details for the meeting on the Committee on Strategic Planning and Budget meeting notice.
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