Madison, WI – Pro-Worker and populist U.S. Senate candidate Tom Nelson rallied with leaders of 350 Madison and Wisconsin Sunrise to talk at Tenney Park on April
27th about the threat dangerous fossil fuel projects, such as Line 5, serve to our communities. While Nelson is not related to former Senator Gaylord Nelson, he shares his passion for the environment and recognizes how urgent the climate crisis has become. Nelson spoke on how he made the climate crisis a central part of his agenda with the Blue-Green New Deal. Nelson said the following:
“What good is your health, what good is a good job if you don’t have a planet. All of these issues come together and it’s a big reason why this is a center piece of my campaign and this is going to be something that defines my public service.”
Sunrise Wisconsin leaders spoke alongside Nelson and gave a powerful testament as to why we must stop the Line 5 project and take the climate crisis seriously. Sunrise Leader Anders Hanhan said:
“There are a lot of reasons why line 5 is a horrible idea and would lead to climate catastrophe the first of which is that we need to decarbonize completely by the end of the decade if we have any hope of stopping climate change and saving young lives”
Phillys Hasbrouck, a leader of 350 Madison, voiced similar concerns as Hanhan. She spoke about her fear of the beautiful bodies of water in Wisconsin being destroyed and her fear that no other candidate has spoken about the issue:
“Why has only one of the long list of Wisconsin candidates for the Senate, Tom Nelson, come out against this existential threat to all life on this planet?”
Hanhan joined Hasbrouck in voicing his disappointment in other candidates lack of action against the climate crisis:
“Tom is the only candidate in the race who has spoken out against pipelines. Tom is the only candidate to say that it is not OK to create new pipeline projects. Lieutenant Governor Barnes, Alex Lasry, Treasurer Godlewski, we would ask you to make the same stance.”
Watch the video here: