MADISON, March 9, 2022 – Legislation that would require all businesses be treated equally during an emergency declaration has been approved by the Legislature and sent to Governor Tony Evers for signature.
Bill G. Smith, State Director of the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) in Wisconsin, the state’s leading small business organization, said the legislation, Assembly Bill 912, has the overwhelming support of the state’s small business community.
“When we surveyed NFIB’s large and diverse membership, small business spoke clearly with one voice to end the discrimination associated with government designating essential and non-essential businesses.”
According to a recent NFIB survey of members across Wisconsin, 97 percent said they support eliminating the essential and non-essential designations from emergency orders.
“The Small Business Fairness Act (Assembly Bill 912) is a straight forward proposal that simply requires all businesses be treated equally during an emergency declaration by the government,” said Smith, “this legislation eliminates the essential and non-essential designation of businesses from emergency declarations, it eliminates the basic unfairness of government arbitrarily choosing winners and losers during an emergency, and it eliminates the economic hardship by thousands of small businesses ordered to close, while their big box competitors remained open for business,” said Smith.
NFIB, on behalf of its 10,000 members located throughout Wisconsin, is urging the Governor to sign the Small Business Fairness Act into law, which would require all businesses be treated equally during an emergency declaration.