DELAFIELD, Wis. – Today, Kevin Nicholson sent a letter to Governor Tony Evers demanding that he remove his appointee currently serving as the Chair of the Parole Commission, John Tate. This demand comes after Tate and Evers’ Parole Commission have decided to release violent felon, Douglas Balsewicz, after Balsewicz has only served just over one-fourth of his sentence for killing his wife by stabbing her 42 times.

Nicholson’s letter reads as follows:

May 10, 2022 

Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers

115 East, State Capitol

Madison, WI 53702

Governor Evers:

You campaigned on cutting the prison population in half and pledged to expand release of inmates. Your appointee to the Parole Commission, John Tate, also has championed releasing more inmates on parole and is openly against mandatory minimum sentencing for violent offenders. These policies have proven to degrade law and order in Wisconsin. This has to stop.

In the case of Douglas Balsewicz, you need to do the right thing. Balsewicz brutally murdered his wife in front of her two young children. This is not someone that can be let out on the streets. Use your authority and influence as the Governor of Wisconsin to reverse this horrible decision before his scheduled release date of May 17th. Wisconsinites will not be safe with Balsewicz out on the streets.

I further call on you to remove your appointee to the Parole Commission, John Tate, for permitting this absurd and horrible decision.

Under Wisconsin state law (17.07(3m)),as Governor, you have unilateral authority to remove the Parole Commission Chairman.

It is unacceptable that John Tate serves in his capacity on the board following his decision to allow a violent felon to be released onto our Wisconsin streets. He has dishonored the reputation of the Wisconsin Parole Commission and displayed an incomprehensible lack of leadership.

I look forward to hearing from you on this matter soon. 

Semper Fi, 

Kevin Nicholson 

To learn more about why Kevin Nicholson is running for governor, along with his background and vision for Wisconsin, click here.

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