Washington, D.C. – Mandela Barnes is the Democrat candidate for Wisconsin’s U.S. Senate seat and is far too liberal and out of touch with Wisconsinites for it. To prove it, we will show you just how the Badger State would look under the Barnes Brigade.

Under the Barnes Brigade, there hasn’t been many accomplishments so there’s not much that makes us think there will be many – if any – if Barnes is in higher office.

Barnes likes to tout his leadership position on the Governor’s Task Force on Climate Change while on the campaign trail. But at a campaign event he was asked about his accomplishments, and his answer: “I’m really, really jogging my brain here.” Awkward.

Statement from NRSC Spokeswoman Lizzie Litzow: “Since Mandela Barnes’ track record is pretty abysmal, what would make Wisconsinites think things would change if he was to be elected to higher office? Nothing. Under the Barnes Brigade, there wouldn’t be many wins for Wisconsinites.”

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