MADISON, Wis.Yesterday, during a radio interview, U.S. Senator Ron Johnson offered his solution to address rising costs in America: tell our aging parents and grandparents to get back to work, “I mean, here’s a good idea for retirees collecting Social Security right now. Why not encourage retirees to get back into the workforce?”

Meghan Roh, Opportunity Wisconsin program director:
“Too many across the Badger State are worried about paying their bills and putting food on the table, and instead of working in good faith to bring down costs, Senator Johnson’s solution is to get grandma back to work. Our aging parents and grandparents have earned their retirement benefits, but Senator Johnson continues to attack them and not help Wisconsinites. Whether it’s supporting a Republican proposal to put Social Security and Medicare on the chopping block every five years, working to dismantle the Affordable Care Act, or his ‘crowning achievement’ in the Trump tax law that benefited his family’s business and ‘disproportionately benefits the wealthy.’

“Additionally, Senator Johnson talks about getting people back to work, but he refuses to support policies that help people do that. Whether that’s bringing new, good-paying jobs to the state, keeping folks healthy, or helping families afford the costs of working while raising a family. Instead he is suggesting we pull folks out of retirement and put them back to work. Senator Johnson just needs to keep it simple: vote for policies that help Wisconsinites, not hurt them.”  

Since early 2021, Opportunity Wisconsin has been working  to hold Senator Johnson accountable to his constituents and to demand he vote for policies that support Wisconsin residents. In addition to holding conversations with Wisconsin workers and families across the Badger State, Opportunity Wisconsin has spent over $5 million in TV ads urging Senator Johnson to focus his work in Washington on addressing the economic needs of his constituents and to stop putting his personal profits over the people of Wisconsin.

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