LA CROSSE — Today, State Senator and nominee for Congress Brad Pfaff traveled to a local farm in Stoddard as the second stop in his district farm tour to meet with Wisconsin farmers and discuss the challenges that they are facing.

“I’m so proud of our hardworking farming communities, and I’m running to give them the voice they deserve in Congress so that we can make their concerns heard at the national level,” said Brad Pfaff. “Wisconsin farmers know who I am, and they know that Derrick Van Orden — an out-of-state farm hobbyist — would be disastrous for farming communities. While he’s busy tweeting about problems, we talked about solutions today at this multi-generational dairy farm.”

Brad believes in walking the walk, not just talking the talk. That’s why Brad has released a set of real solutions he will fight for as the third district’s next Congressman:

  • Federal tax policy that recognizes farm transition from one generation to the next
  • Federal investment in agricultural cover crops
  • Federal investment in USDA conservation programs, including farmer-led watershed programs
  • Incentives that allow individual farmers to capture more of the consumer dollar along the agriculture supply chain
  • Federal investment in the agriculture supply chain
  • Ensure USDA enforces organic standard rules on non-compliers
  • Modernize the federal milk marketing order system
  • Expand markets for agriculture products locally, regionally, nationally, and internationally
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