(Brookfield, WI) – Candidate endorsements by the Pro-Life Wisconsin Victory Fund political action committee (PAC) are now available to be viewed on the Pro-Life Wisconsin website. The Victory Fund PAC has endorsed a total of fifty-seven candidates for state office in the upcoming fall primary and general elections. Included on the endorsement page is a message on what it means to be “100% pro-life.”

“We proudly endorse these candidates who recognize the personhood of the preborn baby and hold the principled and compassionate no-exceptions pro-life position,” said Matt Sande, director of the Victory Fund PAC. “For thirty years, Pro-Life Wisconsin has held high the banner of total protection for all preborn children. Because we insist on this high standard, more candidates for elected office are 100% pro-life. With the overturning of Roe and Casey, it is now more important than ever that we elect a total protection pro-life state legislature and a total protection pro-life governor. It will be up to them to ban abortion without exception in Wisconsin.”

Pro-Life Wisconsin Victory Fund PAC supports candidates for public office who demonstrate a commitment to protect preborn children – in all circumstances and at all stages of development – as full persons under the law. To be “100% pro-life” is to know that a human being begins at conception and to therefore understand that there may never be a legal exception to his or her inalienable right to life. Accordingly, it requires defending the preborn child conceived in rape, the preborn child whose mother’s life or health is perceived to be in danger, the disabled preborn baby, and the tiny embryo vulnerable to experimental research. It requires establishing legal personhood (equality of all human beings before the law) for the preborn in our state constitution.

“Our preborn brothers and sisters deserve total and permanent legal protection of their right to life,” said Sande. “As God’s image-bearers, preborn children from the moment of conception have intrinsic worth, inestimable value, and inviolable dignity. Now is the time to enshrine the personhood of each preborn child in the Wisconsin Constitution. We believe in this goal, as do our endorsed candidates.”