MADISON – State Representative Timothy Ramthun (R-Campbellsport) released the following statement regarding requested feedback from Rep. Steineke:
“On January 28th, an open letter was sent to Rep. Steineke, Chair of the Assembly Rules Committee, requesting qualified data supporting his assertion that my proposed resolution, AJR120, is ‘illegal’ and ‘unconstitutional’. I sought feedback by end-of-day February 2nd, which arrived via inter-office memo that day containing a hardcopy of the original Legislative Council memo from November, 2021”.
“My purpose in asking was for him to review the four Constitutional attorney and three Constitutional expert memos I had provided him, all of whom were presented with the same original Legislative Council memo that all seven had refuted. In short, it appears Rep. Steineke did not do anything. This lack of action is the fuel of continued push for truth and transparency”.
“Now that AJR120 is in the Rules Committee, I included the recommendation that Chair Steineke call for a public and/or informational hearing to obtain testimony from all legal parties involved. This action is the best and only due process manner in which to resolve where we are as a state and a nation regarding this unprecedented and historic issue”.
“This is a defining moment for Rep. Steineke as his action, or inaction in this situation, will become his legacy. An inter-office message embracing a dated and regurgitated expression that fails to end the debate, is unacceptable. If Rep. Steineke truly believes this matter is the ‘#endofstory’, a hearing is required. It matters not to me or the people of Wisconsin that the Rules Committee only meets in executive session for five minutes to approve session calendars. This topic demands an action to properly resolve this once and for all through legislative committee process like all other committees”.