MADISON – State Representative Timothy Ramthun (R-Campbellsport) issued the following statement in response to today’s Campaigns and Elections Committee hearing:
“Today, the Campaigns and Elections Committee held an informational hearing on the WisVote database, which appeared to leave the people of Wisconsin with more unanswered questions. Double-speak and obfuscation were clearly present. Who employed by Wisconsin Elections Commission has the skills to manage the technical contractors or to design such a massive system? Who actually performs updates to this massive system? Why are people requesting this information being forced to buy bad data? Or is it bad data?”
“As the Wisconsin Elections Commission continuously contradicts themselves and because many more questions remain unanswered, I request an immediate independent Request For Proposal to obtain a vendor that can perform a forensic audit of the entire WisVote database. This needs to be done prior to its use in any election. This overdue and seriously warranted act is necessary to ensure all Wisconsinites that their personal data and vote are being securely managed.”
“It is the dutiful obligation of the entire legislative body to ensure that the people of Wisconsin have confidence in their elections systems.”