MADISON, Wis. – The Legislative Audit Bureau (“LAB”) conducted an extensive audit on the administration of the 2020 elections and found that there were numerous instances in which the Wisconsin Elections Commission (“WEC”) was not in compliance with existing election laws. On February 24th, 2022 the Wisconsin State Assembly passed several election integrity bills to address the problems identified by the LAB audit. However, continued rhetoric from the political left clouds the issue by insisting that no laws were broken.

The slate of bills we passed today reflect the recommendations made by the LAB audit of the administration of recent elections in Wisconsin, which included numerous instances of WEC officials willfully ignoring or contravening the existing elections laws that they were responsible for administering. The purposeful actions by these WEC commissioners and staff constitute misconduct in office. They should be charged as such and immediately removed from their positions. Their repeated malfeasance is responsible for the lack of confidence voters have in our elections by not transparently and fairly enforcing our laws. 

“Moreover, it is clear that the Attorney General is also violating his oath of office through his failure to enforce our state’s elections laws and not investigating these clear violations despite repeated calls by the Legislature and others to do so. It is absolutely mind-numbing that the Attorney General and Wisconsin Democrats continue to insist on protecting the individuals responsible for WEC breaking the law by not holding anyone accountable. Perhaps we shouldn’t be surprised, though, considering that a member of their own party who fervently spoke today against these election integrity bills was directly responsible for slashing tires outside a campaign office,” Sanfelippo said.

Sanfelippo added, “Wisconsin Democrats continue to falsely claim that Republicans want to disenfranchise voters and to suppress participation in elections. We also heard from them today that these bills will lead to chaos, confusion, and corruption. The truth is that the Democrats are actively shielding their political allies from legal consequences for the chaos and confusion caused by their purposeful violations of our elections laws. That is the very definition of corruption.”

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