MADISON, WI – On September 22nd, Wisconsin State Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Jill Underly, delivered the annual State of Education Address at the Wisconsin State Capitol. Regarding this event, Rep.Stubbs (D-Madison) released the following statement:
“Dr. Underly’s powerful words remind us that our public school system must be protected and that we have a special duty to our school children. Her call to recognize our public schools as sites that foster democracy was refreshing, and her commitment to our student’s education is truly commendable.”
“The bright young minds in Wisconsin public schools will grow to up to participate in our democracy and build the communities of our future. For their potential to be fully realized, our students must be able to access a space built to accommodate their needs. We must seek equity by providing individualized care and specialized resources for every student. These needs include mental health supports, food security, dis/ability accommodations, social and emotional learning agendas, and at the most basic level, physical safety.”
“These spaces must also educate in a manner that is representative of our true history as a country. A comprehensive and accurate depiction of our nation’s past only strengthens our communities and our democracy. Our students have the right to learn about the expansive history of this great nation, without censoring the injustice of our past. Representative material will engage our students in the learning process and help them to better understand their critical role in our community.”
“Additionally, Dr. Underly called for investments in public education so that our schools can be safe spaces that provide world-class instruction. I am proud to stand in solidarity with these calls. As a former special education teacher, I have witnessed the harmful effects a deprived system has on our teachers, and more importantly, on our students. Our educators deserve robust support, and our legislature plays an important role in that mission. I call on my colleagues to act now, and fund our school system with state revenue that has already been collected. We cannot let politics get in the way of necessary change. Our children are our future, and we must invest in our future.”
“Congratulations to the 2023 Teachers of the Year who were honored at this ceremony, and thank you to every educator who continues to fight for an inclusive, safe, and equitable school system. Together we have the ability to build an education system that centers our people and our future.”