Madison, WI – Lawful permanent residents across Wisconsin will have the opportunity to receive free legal services to complete an Application to Naturalize through RISE Law Center’s upcoming naturalization clinic on Wednesday, December 7th from 8am to 4pm in Madison. Additionally, some funds are available to cover the filing fees of those that register in advance.
RISE, a nonprofit law center, has been providing legal services to immigrants for over eighteen years and focuses on services for victims of crime. Now, RISE is also providing naturalization application services to eligible lawful permanent residents at no cost through the CINAS grant from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
50,000 Wisconsin residents are eligible to naturalize.[1] RISE aims to help Wisconsin lawful permanent residents throughout the state gain access to citizenship by providing naturalization services for free and efficiently with this clinic. While this clinic is hosted in Madison, lawful permanent residents from anywhere in Wisconsin are encouraged to register.
Robin Dalton, Director of Legal Services at RISE Law Center states, “Citizenship allows for greater participation from our diverse communities and can bring critical protections for immigrant families. We encourage Lawful Permanent Residents to contact us to attend this naturalization clinic.”
For more information or to sign up to attend the clinic on December 7th, RISE can be reached by phone at 608-256-1015.