Momentum is building for the Secretary of State race in Wisconsin.

The 3rd Congressional District caucus favored Schroeder 63% over his opponent in the straw poll April 9, 2022.  I received more votes than any other statewide candidate in this poll that covers the Western Wisconsin district counties.
This poll follows the 4th Congressional Southeast Wisconsin district results which favored Schroeder by 59% on April 2.
I am thankful and humbled by my victories in the straw polls. Members in the 3rd Congressional District know the importance of fair and clean elections. They along with the 4th Congressional District are beginning to uncover the workings of the Wisconsin Elections Commission (WEC).  ALL of Wisconsin are becoming aware of the problems that have occurred under the WEC and its necessity to be abolished.
Problems involving abuse of drop boxes, lack of special voting deputies in long term care facilities, proper ID in voting, the number of registered voters exceeding the population of Wisconsin, etc.  These are just a few of the violations.
Thirty three states have elections under the Secretary of State’s Office. Wisconsin needs to become the 34th.
UW Whitewater recently hosted a forum for candidates running for Wisconsin public offices. Both Republicans and Democrats were invited. I wonder if the Democrat incumbent for Secretary of State finds it is beneath him to attend an event and explain where he stands on election integrity.  I hunger and work to bring the office of Secretary of State out of hibernation,  out of the basement of the capitol and exercise the duties of the office for the service of the people of Wisconsin.
I look “Forward” to spreading the message of fair and clean elections around Wisconsin.
For further information my website is