Media Contact:
Name: State Senator Alberta Darling (R-River Hills)
Phone: 608-266-5830
Email address: Sen.Darling@legis.wisconsin. gov
Madison – On Tuesday, Governor Evers delivered the State of the State Address. State Senator Alberta Darling issued the following response.
“If Governor Evers didn’t steal Republican ideas, he wouldn’t have much of a speech at all. The governor is trying to rewrite history and take credit for Republican successes including a budget that delivered the largest tax cut in state history. He doesn’t want you to remember that his plan raised taxes by more than $1 billion during a pandemic, eliminated key reforms, and borrowed too much.
The truth is, Governor Evers’ record isn’t good. He failed Wisconsin workers when they were laid off after the Governor shut down businesses. The Governor made families wait for months for their unemployment checks. A non-partisan audit showed the Governor’s agency couldn’t even be bothered to answer 93% of the calls from desperate workers.
The most disappointing part of his speech was that the Governor failed parents and school children in our state. He offered no plan to reform our education system. More than 50% of kids in our state are failing in math and English language arts. That should alarm the ‘education governor.’
If the Governor needs some more ideas to take credit for, my colleagues and I released a series of common-sense education reforms that put parents and children first. I hope he signs them into law.”
Senator Darling represents portions of Milwaukee, Ozaukee, Washington, and Waukesha Counties.